MS Paint

Clip Studio


Hall of Shame

"Very Special" Stuff



Midi Collection

Doom Wads


About Me





Hi. Welcome to my corner of the internet. Here you will find art, videos, silly stuff, and an early 2000s aesthetic. This site is still being worked on, so you will see some unfinished pages.


Things to note

  • Site is slow at random times. Still haven't figured out why this happens

  • Best viewed at 800x600 or higher

  • Highly recommend having a Flash Player installed

  • For the love of God PLEASE use a computer


  • Scattered three passwords around the site (For use on "Very Special" Stuff page)

  • More goofy midis

  • Updated the 404 page to look similar to 4chan's



Copyright (c) 1996 - 2004 Sasha Musulin. All rights reserved.